There’s barely any time left, and you’ve just scored. You’re now only one point away. Do you make the safe move; go for the extra point to tie it up, and try your luck in overtime? Or do you go for the two-point conversion, risk it all, capitalize on your momentum, and try to shut it down right here?
You come celebrate the majestic barn owl (Latin Tyto alba) and all her splendorous cousins, as we join together for a night of Superb Owl themed improv! Featuring themes and suggestions centered around everyone’s favorite avian mouse-eaters (and maybe football if we have time), Improv Cape Cod presents an evening of shortform improv games like the ones you might see on Whose Line. This February 9th, you can take a break from reminding your Uncle Allen that seeing Taylor Swift’s face doesn’t somehow detract from his joie de vivre, and instead show Uncle Allen a great night of improv comedy!
Tickets are $10 at the door or here!