If New Englanders know anything at all, it’s scoffing in the face of colder weather. That’s right - we want a Dunkin Iced coffee, please and thank you. We’ll shovel the driveway in our shorts and an unzipped sweatshirt. We’ll shiver at the grill as we ask if you want cheese for your burger.
So, please join us in not just disregarding the winter - but pretending it’s summer! Break out the cooler of canned cocktails and a well-worn LP from the Beach Boys, because on Friday, December 1st, 2023, Improv Cape Cod presents: Summer in December Improv! Featuring shortform improv games like you might see on Whose Line, peppered with themes and suggestion prompts reminiscent of the summer, this is a show that true New Englanders won’t want to miss!
Tickets $10 at the door or here!